RailCam Robotic Systems premiered the new RTS MagCam paired with a NEWTON stabilized camera head for the TV broadcast of the Grammy Awards.
PTP - as a precise network timing technology has been available for nearly two decades. It is already widely used in Telecommunication networks, Finance and Trading platforms, substation automation networks and many more industries. Every industry has its own demands such as target accuracy on the end nodes, or whether it should be used locally or via wide area connections. Furthermore, there is often the question of whether existing network components should be re-used or if they will be replaced.
Apple ProRes RAW recording will be enabled from Sony’s new full-frame mirrorless camera Alpha 1 via the Atomos Ninja V. It will record ProRes RAW images from the camera’s RAW output at up to 4.3Kp60.
Mo-Sys Engineering and HYPER Studios have created the first virtual production system with data-driven sports graphics.
Television is still a niche industry, but nonetheless, one of the most powerful story telling mediums in existence. Whether reporting news events, delivering educational seminars, or product reviews, television still outperforms all other mediums in terms of its ability to communicate to mass audiences.
Spending a few weeks in southern Italy is a popular idea. For cinematographer Angus Hudson, BSC, an opportunity to soak up the Puglian sun would come in the form of The Life Ahead (in Italian, La vita davanti a sé), a film directed by Edoardo Ponti and starring Sophia Loren in her first role since 2010.
The Lykos mini LED panel lights boasts an output 40% brighter than the previous generation, delivering 2000 lux (@3ft/1m) of white light at colour temperatures from 3200-5600K.
The studio’s design is intended to take viewers as close to the racecourse action as possible. The new studio will work as a hub by bringing in all of Racing TV’s race-day feeds, with reporters at every course, creating a ‘watch together’ racing community experience.