LiveU’s IP-video technology has been synonymous with election coverage since the company was founded in 2006, enabling networks and journalists to deliver non-stop on-the-ground reporting and real-time results. The 2024 US Presidential Election took the coverage to new heights with the LiveU EcoSystem operating at full strength over the Election Day 48-hour period. Over 4,000 field units were in use, representing the largest fleet of LiveU encoders ever deployed for a single event – almost double the number deployed for the 2020 US election. 925 customers from 56 countries worldwide transmitted over 40TB of data, representing almost 40,000 hours of live content (that’s over four and a half years of live coverage!).
Korean cable television network SBS Medianet has expanded its production base with the purchase of Ikegami UHK-X700 cameras for live coverage of a major golf tournament. SBS Medianet has invested in a total of 32 UHK-X700 camera chains during 2024. The cameras were chosen for their high video quality and versatility including the ability to perform efficiently and effectively in outdoor live broadcasting conditions.
This third and for now, final part of our mini-series exploring NDI and its place in broadcast infrastructure moves on to a trio of tools released with NDI 5.0 which are all aimed at facilitating remote and collaborative workflows; NDI Audio, NDI Bridge and NDI Remote.
All aspects of video, including IMAG projection, during the Maspalomas Costa Canaria Soul Festival were delivered using an acquisition control and delivery solution from Blackmagic Design.
Designing IP Broadcast Systems is another massive body of research driven work - with over 27,000 words in 18 articles, in a free 84 page eBook. It provides extensive insight into the technology and engineering methodology required to create practical IP based broadcast production systems. This series builds on the foundations of the extensive library of work already published by The Broadcast Bridge on IP and scalable software defined infrastructure. This content collection delves deeper into various aspects of how IP based systems work, with detailed technical explorations of key themes including; design philosophies, discoverability, hybrid systems, remote production, cloud infrastructure and software control layers.
Riedel Communications has announced that its MediorNet real-time network was successfully deployed by East Shore Sound to support Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” during its coverage of the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC). The flexible MediorNet infrastructure streamlined operations, reduced setup time, and enabled efficient resource sharing across multiple locations.
We conclude our discussion of how the LED wall is far more than just a backdrop for the actors on a virtual production stage - it must be calibrated to work in harmony with camera, tracking and lighting systems in an interdependent array of technology.
Voice of Vietnam (VOV) has successfully completed the second phase of the traffic radio project with audio solutions by Lawo, reinforcing VOV’s position as one of Southeast Asia’s most advanced state broadcasters.