This article describes the various parts of the MPEG-4 standard and discusses how it is much more than a video codec. MPEG-4 describes a sophisticated interactive multimedia platform for deployment on digital TV and the Internet.
Here is a list which shows whether each of the 34 parts of the MPEG-4 standard is publicly available.
Here is a list which shows whether each of the 34 parts of the MPEG-4 standard is encumbered with a patent.
Here is a list of all 34 parts of the ISO 14496 - MPEG-4 standard.
The Broadcast Bridge sat down with Chris Brown, executive vice president and managing director, NAB Global Connections and Events to discuss this year’s gathering April 13-17 (show floor open April 14-17) and how the industry looks to the show each year for the latest in technology and business models.
This Essential Guide explores the technology of 5G and its ongoing roll out. It discusses the technical reasons why 5G has become the new standard in roaming contribution, and explores the potential disruptive impact 5G and MEC could have on the infrastructure deployed on site for remote production.
We examine the demands placed on hybrid, distributed comms systems and the practical requirements for connectivity, transport and functionality.
Audio For Broadcast - The Book gathers together 16 articles into a 78 page eBook which explores the science and practical applications of audio in broadcast.
This book is not aimed at audio A1’s, it is intended as a reference resource for the ‘all-rounder’ engineers and operators who encounter and must deal with audio on a day-to-day basis but who are not audio specialists… and everyone who wants to broaden their knowledge of how audio for broadcast works.