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The drone platform must be equipped with a wireless communication system

Live Sports Broadcasts Soar to New Heights with Aerial Drones June 30th 2015 - 10:01 AM

Amimon makes the case of UAV HD video capture in sports broadcasting.

In the province of broadcasting, live sports have recently come to occupy a unique place in entertainment: they’re one of the few types of broadcasts that viewers still primarily watch live and in real time. Not only do sports broadcasts often make use of the latest and greatest technologies to keep viewers fully engaged and coming back for more, they have also added music and entertainment elements to further escalate viewers’ expectations.

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M/E 4 in the Program window is a logo key. The nearly identical orange powerboats (upper right) were competing neck to neck at over 150 MPH.

Adventures In Live Broadcast, Part 1 June 24th 2015 - 08:03 AM

Anyone who says engineering live field production is a breeze isn’t serious.

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Multiple GoPro cameras can be genlocked with Vislink receivers and Timecode Systems interfaces.

Precision Time Code and Genlock Bring Wireless Action Cameras Into Live Broadcasting June 23rd 2015 - 08:05 AM

While it is easy to mount multiple wireless GoPro cameras around an event area.The real issue becomes how to accurately switch between them. Fortunately, there now is a solution.

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The FCC currently allows the use of wireless microphones on both a licensed and unlicensed basis, depending on the spectrum band.

The Wireless Mic Dilemma June 22nd 2015 - 10:17 AM

Perhaps no equipment category will be more negatively affected by the upcoming FCC spectrum auction of U.S. airwaves than wireless microphones. For manufacturers of such wireless products, which have relied on a certain spectrum band to operate effectively for years, the impending channel changes have caused a slump in business, as concerned customers are not buying for fear of their systems becoming obsolete.

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IP connectivity will enable an entire new range of services and production methods.  Image courtesy Telefónica

Viewpoint: IP, the fast lane to TV everywhere? June 22nd 2015 - 08:02 AM

It is inevitable, that once content becomes separate from the carrier, a transition that has already taken place, data networks will replace baseband.With the transition to digital essentially complete, we now get to reap the benefits, and havoc, that media freed of any physical carrier brings with it.

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Live feed-sharing can allow multiple producers instant access to a unique on-location camera or feed. Photo courtesy Dejero.

Sharing Files And Live Streams On IP May 21st 2015 - 12:01 PM

Bonded cellular system technology progress is marked with MoJos and IP-based live stream sharing services.

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HEVC compression is both efficient and power hungry.

HEVC—Decoded May 18th 2015 - 08:07 AM

High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is the latest and certainly an efficient compression standard targeted at today’s high pixel count images.

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Sony HDC-4300

HD+4K cameras bring 4K live broadcast closer May 14th 2015 - 12:17 PM

The recent spate of announcements from camera manufacturers about plans to market HD and 4K shooters capable of accepting B4-mount standard lenses has been welcomed by the industry and appears to have brought live UHD broadcast launches closer.

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