Tripods and heads are essential gear for all videographers. However, which type to buy for a given application can be a challenge because there are so many brand and price points from which to choose. A quick overview on the latest in tripod and heads might be useful.
A major new development in battery technology promises to store more energy and allow thousands more recharges than with today’s cells.
Though they often take tremendous abuse in daily use, microphones are the most delicate and important part of the pro audio chain. To keep microphones working properly, there are a few things the audio engineer can do.
A way too cute title—I agree. But LUTs are indeed everywhere. Before we look at the ways LUTs are used, let’s be sure we understand what a LUT does.
For the past few years, development of all LED lighting has been on a roller coaster ride. A beneficiary has been LED lighting for professional video. It has gotten better, cheaper and smaller — much smaller.
While Arena opted to invest in an IP core for its new fleet, Sky Sport’s other regular OB supplier, NEP UK has gone a different route out of necessity. This article, a follow up to the article ‘Making The Leap To 4K Live Over IP - Under The Hood At Arena’, explains its decision.
It may sound silly, but I have spent most of my life enduring cheaply-made, inadequate microphone stands. One day recently, I decided to change that. To my surprise, it opened a new world of options that I had missed before.
While the debate surrounding the need for a complete migration from handling video (and audio) as a baseband SDI signal to IP continues, manufacturers of bonded cellular video transmitters say they got the transition started with their camera-mounted systems and are committed to helping their customers move past acquisition and on to the studio infrastructure.