The difference between using a wired and wireless microphone for a specific job is no longer about sound quality. It’s about a group of other factors, many of which users should consider before making the choice.
Getting high-perspective shots isn’t a matter of art but often a necessity for news shots. Under intense deadlines and demand to capture the right shot, news photographers are always on-the-go, and that can sometimes mean last minute assignments or worse, arriving late to a press conference. Fortunately, Sachtler has two solutions to help camera operators get high-perspective shots quickly and easily!
Normally, we don’t think of video cases or bags as having to do with the workflow. But, in the field, dragging around a case that’s too heavy or doesn’t contain all the necessary gear can slow down a shoot. Here’s how to match the bag with the kind of shoot you are doing.
Over the past five years, cameras have gotten more compact in size and lower in cost. Accessories that allow highly specialized production shots have followed suit. Today, jibs, dollies, stablizers and sliders that used to cost thousands of dollars are accessible to most videographers.
Today, video and still cameras, tablets and even laptop computers often rely on memory cards for data storage. Each electronic device specifies a unique kind of memory and choosing the right card for the application can be challenging.
For most people working in pro audio, phantom power is fed through a mic cable from a mixer to bring electricity to condenser microphones. That’s what they know — period. However, working pros in the audio field know there is much, much more to this “phantom” power flow. It pays to know the subject to avoid the “gotchas.”
Until recently, the most cost effective option for videographers backing up video files in the field was a portable hard drive. Hard drives have a large capacity, are small in size and very inexpensive. But now, hard drives are being challenged by much faster and lower cost outboard SSD drives.
The 5 cm band is essentially the top half of the 5 GHz Wi-Fi band. Until recently, its use was restricted because of potential weather radar and military RF interference. New dynamic frequency selection (DFS) technology is opening these wide bands for exciting new physical layer (PSY or layer 1) uses, such as IP video. Think of it as an invisible cable.