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The 8K Association was formed by TV makers around CES 2019 but Sony and LG have yet to join.

8K Movement Meets Resistance from Analysts and Broadcasters May 15th 2019 - 08:00 AM

The movement behind 8K has gained momentum and met growing resistance at the same time as it attempts to break out from its Japanese roots after being nurtured for over a decade almost single handedly by NHK.

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Data Recording and Transmission: Part 8 - RF May 13th 2019 - 11:00 AM

In part 8 of the series “Data transmission and storage”, consultant John Watkinson looks at some of the intricacies of RF transmission.

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The New Golden Age of Miniaturization May 3rd 2019 - 09:00 AM

Two years ago, I put a complete iPhone video production package into a single shoulder bag. This week, I eliminated the shoulder bag, creating an even better 4K shooting package that is virtually weightless. We are indeed in a new golden age of miniaturization.

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CompactFlash Association Announces CFexpress 2.0 Specification April 22nd 2019 - 11:00 AM

As a follow-up to the CFexpress 1.0 specification first revealed in late 2016, the CompactFlash Association has announced the 2.0 update.

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Essential Guide:  Immersive Audio Pt 1 - An Immersive Audio Primer April 18th 2019 - 11:30 AM

Part one of this four-part series introduces immersive audio, the terminology used, the standards adopted, and the key principles that make it work.

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How Do Microphone Preamps Differ? April 5th 2019 - 11:00 AM

Once they are purchased, most audio engineers don’t think much about microphone preamps. However, mic preamps are a crucial link in the audio chain. The device’s main job is to keep input noise to a minimum and to amplify the microphone without distortion. But there is far more to it than that.

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There Is A Need For Realtime Lens Distortion And Perspective Correction April 4th 2019 - 04:00 PM

The ever-increasing use of small broadcast quality HD cameras with wide angle or fisheye lenses have become increasingly prevalent. Their use can be found in live broadcast applications such as sport, ENG, wildlife programming, and reality TV, with non-broadcast use in medical, forensics/security and online gaming.

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An EVS Dyvi switcher was used for Season 1 of ABC’s “American Idol” to manage the millions of LED pixels used on set live.

How Live Production Benefits From Software-Defined Switching April 4th 2019 - 09:15 AM

As the myriad of live competition television shows continue to attract new and ever larger audiences for TV networks, producing them live has become so complicated that a second technical director (TD), often called a “screens TD,” is now often being employed in concert with the lighting department’s graphics server operator and create the look of the LED video tile-intensive sets. Most stages feature literally millions of LED pixels and lighting rig configurations that adorn the brilliantly lit sets so it takes a “screens team” along with the LED tech responsible to manage the actual LED tiles.

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