In this era of personal video and sound recording, it might sound ridiculous to say that many people don’t know how to properly use a microphone. But it’s true. Whether spoken word or a vocalist singing, learning some basic microphone techniques can significantly improve results.
With all the high-tech wizardry available today to manipulate sounds in the studio, microphone placement reigns as the most important way to get quality audio recordings. With the right placement of mics, most other electronic sound tools are not needed. Yet, not enough engineers, producers and artists understand the value of this art.
Reading spec sheets for microphones these days can make one’s eyes gloss over. So much is so similar. Yet, we know each mic sounds a bit different, which is where subtle creative differences come into play. One especially mystifying spec to many is whether or not a mic has a transformer. What does a mic transformer do and is it better with or without one?
At one time the only repeatable source of light on Earth was the sun. Later it was found that if bodies were made hot enough, they would radiate light. Any treatment of illumination has to start with the radiation from heated bodies.
Many protocol specifications are used today to reliably transport compressed video over IP networks and the internet. New transport specifications such as RIST with ARQ continue development and testing.
There are a flood of tripods on the market today, and many are not distinguished as video or photo tripods. Especially with very light weight cameras, some models are now combined. It is easy to pick the wrong model for the type of video shooting you will do. Here is a guide to what one needs to know when choosing a tripod/head combination.
LED lights have fundamentally changed the art of light and shadow. Long gone are the days of heavy, hot lights connected with thick cables and noisy generators. Today’s LED lights are compact, battery-operated and cool enough to be easily handled by a single person.
In this new series, it will be seen that color is a complex subject and all the more so for being multidisciplinary. The difficulty with such a large subject is that it is hard to leave things out when they are so fascinating.