Powercast long-range wireless power technology has gained three additional FCC approvals, adding one Part 15 and two Part 18 certifications. What’s in it for TV broadcasters?
Never in human history has it been easier to be a creative person when using video, audio or music production technology. All media-making gear is better and cheaper than it has ever been. Yet, that “blank slate” that has confronted all creative people for the ages remains unchanged.
By any measure, this year’s 2019 2nd European Games in Minsk, Belarus from June 21-30 were a major sports undertaking that required a lot of technical coordination and logistical skill to make happen. Over 4,000 athletes from 50 European Countries competed in 15 different sports and 23 disciplines. International Sports Broadcasting SL (ISB) served as the host broadcaster for the Games.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) has been getting a lot of attention lately. Dynamic range is the ratio between blackest black and the brightest white that can be seen on a display. High Dynamic Range is the next major step in improving television pictures.
With 4K UHD only just turning the corner and with much of the world still in SD is 8K a distraction from the rollout progress of 4K or just natural technological progress? The Broadcast Bridge takes stock of the current fuss around 8K which, like it or not, will be a major talking point at IBC2019.
The human visual system (HVS) sees color using a set of three overlapping filters, which are extremely broad. As a result, the HVS is completely incapable of performing any precise assessment of an observed spectrum.
At one time the only repeatable source of light on Earth was the sun. Later it was found that if bodies were made hot enough, they would radiate light. Any treatment of illumination has to start with the radiation from heated bodies.
Many protocol specifications are used today to reliably transport compressed video over IP networks and the internet. New transport specifications such as RIST with ARQ continue development and testing.