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The recent news that NTV has become the first Russian TV channel to experiment with 5G broadcast, one of many such transmission tests that have been conducted over the past 18 months, illustrates that broadcasters see a bright future in the next-generation cellular data delivery system.
In the beginning, there was television. And whenever people tried to make television programmes effective video signal monitoring was an essential pre-requisite.
The latest high-speed robotic arm from Mark Roberts Motion Control (MRMC) is a new entry-level machine allowing companies to enter the world of high-end motion control at previously unreachable pricepoints.
Synchronizing became extremely important with the growth of AC power systems, which ended up being used to synchronize all sorts of equipment, from Radar to television.
Core to any successful television production is the effective application of clear and precise communications. Camera operators, sound assistants, playout, slow-mo operators, and floor managers all need to hear direction from the production teams. Without comms, the production would soon degenerate into a chaotic cacophony of incoherent images and sounds.
The Nine Network has put Sony gear including cameras at its new home in North Sydney, Australia.
Cinematographer Isaac Vila chose Cooke S7/i Full Frame lenses for his latest project, Netflix’s Below Zero, creating the perfect atmosphere for this action thriller.
Over the past year, as broadcasters and production companies have expended great effort to reconfigure their workflows and develop new ways of working amid strict safety protocols, so too have the manufacturers of the technology and systems they rely on.