From broadcast, production (and post), transmission and media services, we have a long and successful track record of delivering quality facility management solutions.
Our Facility Management Software simplifies the complex operations of today’s broadcasters and media facilities, with more than 450 software deployments in more than 20 countries around the world.
Xytech delivers operational automation, end-to-end order management, scheduling, billing and asset management via our flagship platform, MediaPulse. MediaPulse manages all the complex scheduling, resource and content management needs of broadcasters in a configurable, platform-independent, browser-based application.
Broadcasters can easily and economically integrate MediaPulse into the production platform, letting events scheduled and managed by MediaPulse be automatically transmitted and monitored. MediaPulse manages craft workflows, digital asset repositories and all elements in the transmission chain. Notifications, labor contracts, status of orders and trigger events are all managed by the platform’s rules engine.
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